Trusted For Quality And Service Throughout North Carolina, From Ocracoke To Cherokee


Our Podcast

Take a listen to our podcasts below to learn about all things roofing related.

Tim Ferruzzi, owner of Highland Residential & Commercial Roofing, has been in business for 35 years. Since 1987, the business has been providing high-quality services to both home and business owners. The dedication to our craft alongside guaranteed quality products sets us apart from our competitors. Rest assured, our experience combined with science-based methods creates long-lasting systems that perform better than any other on the market! We install many types of roofing, from residential to commercial, including composite shingle, metal, flat, and tile systems. Let us be your first choice. We never cut corners! We offer multiple high-quality pricing options to fit your budget.

There are several advantages to working with us that we discuss in these podcasts. First off, we hand nail each shingle as it is a better quality fastening system compared to pneumatic nailers. Secondly, we use premium synthetic underlayment below our shingles, not obsolete tar paper or felt. Third, we always use lead (the malleable metal) for our pipe flashings, never the rubber gasket type. Another plus is using a drip edge on our perimeters.

Our work will last for years because of our care with the details to protect your investment.

Whether you need a quote or have a question, our highly qualified team can assist you with your challenges. Please give us a call at (919) 676-5969. We will get back to you within 24 hours.


Podcasts Audio

Flat & Patio Roofs

Skylights And Chimneys

Unusual Jobs And Challenges

Roofing, Gutters, And Siding





Roof Repair - Leaks

Fire Safety

Solar Panels

Roof Repair - Coatings