Trusted For Quality And Service Throughout North Carolina, From Ocracoke To Cherokee

Need more time to replace your roof? You can take advantage of this affordable service. This service inspects your roof and performs minor repairs that can significantly increase the life of your roof. Protect your investment, and have regularly scheduled roof tune-ups every year.

Your roof is more than just the top layer of your home. It’s a complex system designed to protect, insulate, and maintain the structure of the home. It’s an investment, so keep it in prime condition for as long as possible. Proper roofing maintenance or a Tune-Up is an important part of your roof’s upkeep and shouldn’t be neglected. Read on to hear about proper roofing maintenance.


A poorly maintained roof can develop problems sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence. Roofs are constantly exposed to the elements, so routine inspections and maintenance are a must. Major roofing manufacturers like GAF require roofing maintenance as part of their warranty. Failure to keep up with maintenance will void your warranty. Ensure your warranty is still in effect.


Think of scheduled roofing maintenance as the equivalent of an annual physical checkup. Professionals inspect your roof inside and out, edge to the ridge, then tell you what parts of your roof will need repairs. It may cost money–but only a fraction the cost of a whole roof replacement.

Professionals are trained to spot even the smallest potential roofing problems and will give you an accurate assessment of your roof’s condition. We will come up with a repair and maintenance plan that works as a long-term solution. We’ll check your attic ventilation and the condition of the insulation while we’re at it. In some cases, professional roof repairs help extend an overdue roof’s lifespan a few more years, enough time for a homeowner to prepare for a scheduled replacement. You want to extend your roof’s lifespan as much as possible, right?

To learn more about our $495 Roof Tune Up, call Highland Residential & Commercial Roofing at 1 (888) 55-ROOFER. We serve all of North Carolina.